Mobile Inventory Tracker (M.I.T)

The Delete the Divide team partnered with Los Angeles County (LA County) to develop a secure mobile application for efficient tracking of county-owned laptops. This application, equipped with an integrated barcode scanner, will streamline processes for Los Angeles County staff and the Delete the Divide Administration.

The Delete the Divide team partnered with Los Angeles County (LA County) to develop a secure mobile application for efficient tracking of county-owned laptops. This application, equipped with an integrated barcode scanner, will streamline processes for Los Angeles County staff and the Delete the Divide Administration.



UI/UX Designer Co-lead



Public Sector Technology



Figma, Miro, MS Office Suite

Design Team size

Design Team size




Los Angeles County currently lacks an efficient and centralized system for tracking their laptops. This results in manual processes for recording laptop locations, handoffs, and associated costs, leading to potential inaccuracies, wasted time, and a lack of transparency.



M.I.T. is a mobile application designed for DTD administrators and warehouse workers to streamline the laptop management process, from receiving shipments to distributing them to recipients.

Project Initiation and Planning

Project Initiation and Planning


Building the Foundation: Team Recruitment and Onboarding

The M.I.T. application's development journey began with assembling a talented and collaborative team. Since we were interns within the DTD program, our initial hurdle was to recruit fellow interns for various crucial roles throughout the application's lifecycle.


Leading the UI/UX Design Team

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Defining the Product Vision: Collaborative Requirements Gathering

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Establishing Effective Communication Channels: Weekly Meeting Cadence

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Building the Foundation: Team Recruitment and Onboarding

The M.I.T. application's development journey began with assembling a talented and collaborative team. Since we were interns within the DTD program, our initial hurdle was to recruit fellow interns for various crucial roles throughout the application's lifecycle.


Leading the UI/UX Design Team

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Defining the Product Vision: Collaborative Requirements Gathering

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Establishing Effective Communication Channels: Weekly Meeting Cadence

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Building the Foundation: Team Recruitment and Onboarding

The M.I.T. application's development journey began with assembling a talented and collaborative team. Since we were interns within the DTD program, our initial hurdle was to recruit fellow interns for various crucial roles throughout the application's lifecycle.


Leading the UI/UX Design Team

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Defining the Product Vision: Collaborative Requirements Gathering

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights


Establishing Effective Communication Channels: Weekly Meeting Cadence

We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights

User-Centric Research and Ideation

User-Centric Research and Ideation

User Persona

We identified the application's core user groups, including warehouse workers, DTD administrators, supervisors, and non-technical users. Through user persona development, we created detailed profiles outlining each user group's needs, goals, and pain points.

Competitive Analysis

We conducted a thorough competitive analysis, identifying existing inventory management and shipping applications. By evaluating available solutions, we determined their strengths and limitations, ensuring M.I.T. offered a unique and valuable user experience.

Scenario Mapping & User Storyboards

Based on user personas, we developed user scenarios and storyboards to visualize user interactions with the application. This provided valuable insights into the user journey and helped us design an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Collabrative Sketching Session

We fostered a collaborative and creative environment through sketching sessions. Each team member (including myself and the other co-lead) participated by presenting their initial ideas for the application's layout and visual elements. This "brainstorming on paper" approach allowed everyone to contribute their unique design perspectives.

Following the sketching sessions, we reviewed all the ideas collectively. By focusing on the strengths of each design, we identified promising elements and features to incorporate into the final application.

Design and Prototyping

Design and Prototyping

Tight deadlines demanded efficiency. I implemented a task division by page and fostered a supportive mentor-mentee environment within the design team to empower newer designers. I led weekly Figma workshops, addressingfunctionalities and concerns. Our collaborative effort resulted in a pre-built UI component library, ensuring consistency and accelerating the wireframing process.

User Testing

User Testing

3 Key Findings

3 Key Findings

Unintended User Flow

Users bypassed the scan icon in the navigation bar and accessed scan history directly through a "view history" button on the home page.

Unfamiliarity with Mobile Inventory Apps

Users unfamiliar with mobile inventory apps found the design confusing, requiring a more intuitive interface.

Flagged Laptop Visibility
Flagged Laptop Visibility

The lack of a filter for flagged laptops made it difficult for users to quickly identify them when their was a lot of laptops that were scanned into the system; which caused end-users to take more time in identify the flagged laptops.

The lack of a filter for flagged laptops made it difficult for users to quickly identify them when their was a lot of laptops that were scanned into the system; which caused end-users to take more time in identify the flagged laptops.

User Feedback Incorporated

User Feedback Incorporated

Improved Scan Workflow

Based on user feedback, we streamlined the scanning process. Users now access scan history and various scanning options directly on the main page, bypassing unnecessary navigation steps. This resulted in a 50% increase in scanning productivity.

New User Focus

To improve usability for those unfamiliar with mobile inventory apps, we simplified navigation icons and included text, streamlined scanning workflows, and included in-app tutorials. This ensures a smoother experience for everyone.

Enhanced Flagged Laptop Identification

In response to user feedback, we improved the visibility of flagged laptops on the summary page. Now, flagged laptops are visually separated from non-flagged ones. This allows users to quickly identify them, boosting workflow efficiency.

High Fidelity Mock Up

High Fidelity Mock Up

Iteractive Design

  • Home Page

    The redesigned home page prioritizes the primary task (scanning) by removing clutter like scan history and notifications. This resulted in a 50% usability boost.

  • Notification

    Real-time notifications keep DTD administrators informed about new arrivals, event assignments, tamper seal breaches, and reported damage.

  • Settings

    A streamlined interface with smaller text provides easier access to account details, support resources, and an in-app tutorial.

  • New Shipment

    Enables efficient scanning and logging of incoming laptop shiments. In addition to allowing users to indicate if the seal is intact which will then be sorted for easier reading.

  • Bulk - Report Damage

    Allows users to scan affected laptops and provide a brief incident description. Ideal for situations with multiple damaged devices.

  • Distribute device

    Assign laptops to individuals with custodian capture for clear accountability. Avalaible for groups (orgs/businesses) distribution.

  • View History

    Provides administrators with a comprehensive history of each laptop's movement, offering valuable insights for asset tracking and management.

  • Update Custodian

    Efficiently transfer ownership of multiple laptops to new custodians during relocation, simplifying record-keeping and preventing unauthorized access (theft). Single laptop transfers also supported.

  • Individual - Report Damage

    Allows administrators to document damage on an individual laptop.

  • Home Page

    The redesigned home page prioritizes the primary task (scanning) by removing clutter like scan history and notifications. This resulted in a 50% usability boost.

  • Notification

    Real-time notifications keep DTD administrators informed about new arrivals, event assignments, tamper seal breaches, and reported damage.

  • Settings

    A streamlined interface with smaller text provides easier access to account details, support resources, and an in-app tutorial.

  • New Shipment

    Enables efficient scanning and logging of incoming laptop shiments. In addition to allowing users to indicate if the seal is intact which will then be sorted for easier reading.

  • Bulk - Report Damage

    Allows users to scan affected laptops and provide a brief incident description. Ideal for situations with multiple damaged devices.

  • Distribute device

    Assign laptops to individuals with custodian capture for clear accountability. Avalaible for groups (orgs/businesses) distribution.

  • View History

    Provides administrators with a comprehensive history of each laptop's movement, offering valuable insights for asset tracking and management.

  • Update Custodian

    Efficiently transfer ownership of multiple laptops to new custodians during relocation, simplifying record-keeping and preventing unauthorized access (theft). Single laptop transfers also supported.

  • Individual - Report Damage

    Allows administrators to document damage on an individual laptop.

Phased Design Handover

Phased Design Handover

To facilitate a smooth development workflow, we adopted a phased design handover approach. We initially provided the developer lead with the wireframes. This enabled them to start planning the application's backend structure and defining the necessary data fields.

Once the high-fidelity prototypes were finalized, the development team could focus on integrating the UI elements (visual design) on top of the already established functional core. This approach streamlined the development process and ensured efficient utilization of time and resources.

Future Opportunities

Future Opportunities

Their is no current application within the Los Angeles County that is similar to M.I.T. With that said we have been told by other department heads and our stakeholders there's a growing possibility of the application being adopted by other departments within the Los Angeles County to manage their specific inventory needs. This potential expansion highlights the scalability and adaptability of the M.I.T. application which will assist more than 2,000+ employees.

Their is no current application within the Los Angeles County that is similar to M.I.T. With that said we have been told by other department heads and our stakeholders there's a growing possibility of the application being adopted by other departments within the Los Angeles County to manage their specific inventory needs. This potential expansion highlights the scalability and adaptability of the M.I.T. application which will assist more than 2,000+ employees.

Personal Growth and Learnings

Personal Growth and Learnings

Adapting to Change

Adapting to Change

The initial team size of 15 members, including myself, fluctuated due to unforeseen circumstances.  This challenged us to adapt by redistributing tasks efficiently, leveraging each team member's strengths to ensure progress with our team of 9 designers.

Inclusive and Empowering Team Leadership

Inclusive and Empowering Team Leadership

Built an inclusive, learning-focused team. Rewarding to see everyone contribute to design, even newcomers.

Expanding Skillset

Expanding Skillset

Project expanded my skillset through hands-on design, research, and development. Gained invaluable real-world knowledge.

Importance of Setting Boundaries

Importance of Setting Boundaries

Effectively managing client/stakeholder expectations was a crucial learning experience. I learned the importance of assertiveness in managing scope creep by politely declining additions that could potentially derail the project timeline.

Annahi Paez © 2023.

Annahi Paez © 2023.