Tribal Inc. - Decentralized Market Place

Tribal Inc. - Decentralized Market Place

Game creators face a constant challenge: acquiring and integrating diverse game assets seamlessly into their projects. Decentralized Marketplace tackles this issue head-on by providing a user-friendly platform that streamlines the entire process. With a Decentralized Marketplace, developers can focus on creating unique and immersive experiences, not wrestling with asset logistics.



UI/UX Designer






Figma, Miro, Google Suites, Maze

Design Team size

Design Team size




The current fragmented landscape for game asset acquisition hinders developer creativity and efficiency, demanding a centralized platform with seamless asset integration and collaborative features.



The Decentralized Marketplace offers a one-stop solution for game creators, providing a centralized library of diverse assets, seamless integration with development tools, and built-in collaboration features to streamline the entire asset acquisition and integration process, empowering them to focus on crafting immersive game experiences.

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

Research & Analysis

User Interviewing & Card Sorting

Through 9 user interviews conducted as part of a team, we gained valuable insights into user preferences for online stores. To further understand gamers' needs and inform an intuitive design approach, I facilitated a card sorting session. This combined research provided the foundation for creating a tailored interface that optimizes asset sourcing and integration, resulting in an enhanced user experience.


As a key member of the team, I played an integral role in developing a strategic roadmap to navigate the project journey. Collaboratively, we identified and prioritized key features, maintaining focus throughout the process. By leveraging this roadmap, I actively contributed to informed design decisions, ensuring the successful execution of the project.

User Persona

Based on interviews with our user base, I focused on developing the persona for casual gamers, which served as a guiding principle in designing the store. This involved organizing key information to facilitate tailored decision-making, ensuring the store was optimized for the needs and preferences of our target audience.

Mood Board

A dynamic mood board captured the desired aesthetic and ambiance for the gaming store, inspiring a visually appealing and user-friendly design direction.

Design Process

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Low Fidelity Wireframes

To ensure a streamlined design and promote user interaction within the platform, I created low-fidelity wireframes for essential pages such as login, account creation, verification, payment, search, and team collaboration functionalities.

Medium Fidelity Mockups

Medium Fidelity Mockups

For the team collaboration section, I designed mid-fidelity mockups prioritizing user familiarity and security. Inspired by established e-commerce platforms in online gaming, I focused on creating seamless login and 2-way authentication processes that ensure a balance between a smooth user experience and robust security measures.

High Fidelity Mock Up

High Fidelity Mock Up

  • Login

    Log into your account with ease and simplicity.

  • Create an Account

    Effortlessly access the platform and create an account to unlock the full potential of the Decentralized Marketplace.

  • 2-Way Factor Authentication

    Keep your account secure with a robust 2-way authentication method, ensuring peace of mind.

  • Payment Page

    Choose from a variety of secure payment options to complete your asset purchases with ease.

  • Advanced Search

    Find the assets, team members, and projects you need quickly and efficiently using the platform's powerful search functionality.

  • Collaboration & Project Management

    The built-in team page facilitates seamless communication, progress tracking, and team collaboration, eliminating the need for external tools.

  • Login

    Log into your account with ease and simplicity.

  • Create an Account

    Effortlessly access the platform and create an account to unlock the full potential of the Decentralized Marketplace.

  • 2-Way Factor Authentication

    Keep your account secure with a robust 2-way authentication method, ensuring peace of mind.

  • Payment Page

    Choose from a variety of secure payment options to complete your asset purchases with ease.

  • Advanced Search

    Find the assets, team members, and projects you need quickly and efficiently using the platform's powerful search functionality.

  • Collaboration & Project Management

    The built-in team page facilitates seamless communication, progress tracking, and team collaboration, eliminating the need for external tools.

Design Handover

Design Handover

Following the design finalization, our design team, in which I played a key role, collaborated with the Project Manager to ensure a smooth handover process. This involved:

  • Comprehensive Documentation: We created detailed design documentation, including style guides, wireframes,mockups, and user interface specifications. This documentation, organized within Figma, served as a clear roadmap for the development team.

  • Organized Asset Delivery: All design assets, including icons, illustrations, and UI elements, were meticulously organized within Figma and delivered in a format readily usable by the developers.

  • Project Manager Collaboration: Alongside the team, I actively collaborated with the Project Manager to address any questions or clarifications from the development team, fostering a seamless transition from design to development.

Personal Growth and Learnings

Personal Growth and Learnings

User Research First

User Research First

The importance of user research was solidified during this project. Insights gleaned from user interviews and card sorting sessions were instrumental in creating a design that resonates with the target audience and provides an intuitive user experience.

The Power of User Personas

The Power of User Personas

A well-defined user persona proved to be an invaluable tool. It guided our design decisions throughout the process, ensuring a user-centric approach that truly met the needs of casual gamers.

Collaboration is King

Collaboration is King

Working effectively within a small design team (3 members) was crucial. We honed our communication skills and learned to leverage each other's strengths to achieve optimal results.

Adaptability and Learning

Adaptability and Learning

Entering a new industry like the game asset market required continuous learning. I familiarized myself with relevant systems and plugins used in the project, ensuring the feasibility and technical soundness of the design.

Annahi Paez © 2023.

Annahi Paez © 2023.