Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Mobile Inventory Tracker (M.I.T)

M.I.T., a mobile application created to address inventory management challenges faced by Los Angeles County and Delete The Divide (DTD), an initiative within Los Angeles County's Internal Service Department (ISD).

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Co-Lead

Public Sector Technology

Mobile Inventory Tracker (M.I.T)

M.I.T., a mobile application created to address inventory management challenges faced by Los Angeles County and Delete The Divide (DTD), an initiative within Los Angeles County's Internal Service Department (ISD).

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Co-Lead

Public Sector Technology

Mobile Inventory Tracker (M.I.T)

M.I.T., a mobile application created to address inventory management challenges faced by Los Angeles County and Delete The Divide (DTD), an initiative within Los Angeles County's Internal Service Department (ISD).

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Co-Lead

Public Sector Technology


Audioasis is a storytelling application designed to allow users to preserve and share short stories. Developed as part of a Capstone project at UC-Irvine, the project spanned over 6 months, from Fall 2022 to Winter 2023.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Lead

Capstone Course Project


Audioasis is a storytelling application designed to allow users to preserve and share short stories. Developed as part of a Capstone project at UC-Irvine, the project spanned over 6 months, from Fall 2022 to Winter 2023.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Lead

Capstone Course Project


Audioasis is a storytelling application designed to allow users to preserve and share short stories. Developed as part of a Capstone project at UC-Irvine, the project spanned over 6 months, from Fall 2022 to Winter 2023.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Lead

Capstone Course Project

Global Vibe Check

Global Vibe Check, an award-winning web application, empowers users with easy access to global Covid-19 data in a user-friendly format. Designed during a Hack-A-Thon at UC Irvine (2021), it won the "2021 Best UI/UX Design" award, showcasing its effectiveness.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Designer

UCI Hack-a-Thon Winner

Global Vibe Check

The client, a well-established e-commerce platform, sought to improve their website's navigation to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Co-Lead

Public Sector Technology

Global Vibe Check

Global Vibe Check, an award-winning web application, empowers users with easy access to global Covid-19 data in a user-friendly format. Designed during a Hack-A-Thon at UC Irvine (2021), it won the "2021 Best UI/UX Design" award, showcasing its effectiveness.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Designer

UCI Hack-a-Thon Winner

Tribal Inc. - Decentralized Market Place

The current fragmented landscape for game asset acquisition hinders developer creativity and efficiency, demanding a centralized platform with seamless asset integration and collaborative features.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Designer

Gamining Industry

Tribal Inc. - Decentralized Market Place

The current fragmented landscape for game asset acquisition hinders developer creativity and efficiency, demanding a centralized platform with seamless asset integration and collaborative features.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Design Co-Lead

Public Sector Technology

Tribal Inc. - Decentralized Market Place

The current fragmented landscape for game asset acquisition hinders developer creativity and efficiency, demanding a centralized platform with seamless asset integration and collaborative features.

Premium UX Template for Framer

UI/UX Designer

Gamining Industry




Annahi Paez © 2023.

Annahi Paez © 2023.